App Info

How do I start a Routine?
Tap the play button next to the Routine in the list or choose "Start Routine" in the editing view.
What is a 'Routine'?
A 'Routine' is the highest structural level used to organize a breathwork session.
What is a 'Cycle'?
Cycles are groups within Routines, designed to be easily repeated and duplicated.
What is a 'Phase'?
Phases are the lowest structural level within Cycles, like inhaling, exhaling, holding, etc.
How do I edit Routines/Cycles/Phases?
Tap on the item you want to edit (be sure not to tap the play button for a Routine).
How do I duplicate Routines/Cycles/Phases?
Swipe left and tap blue duplicate button.
How do I delete Routines/Cycles/Phases?
Swipe left and tap red delete button.
How can I reorder Cycles and Phases?
Long press and drag in the desired position.
How do I share Routines?
Tap on a Routine and then tap the share icon at the top right.
How do I import shared Routines?
Go to the Settings Tab, choose “Import Shared Routine”, and pick the file from where it’s saved on your phone.
How do I restore default Routines?
In the Settings Tab, tap “Restore Default Routines”.
How do I turn off sounds?
Go to the Settings tab and switch off "Enable Sounds".
Why do sounds and some features not function when the app is in the background?
This limitation is due to Apple's iOS rules. For optimal use, keep the app open during your sessions.
How do I include a 'breathe normally' section?
Add a "Relax" or "Other" phase and give it a custom name.
Why are Routines not in my phone's language?
Default Routines match your device’s language at installation if supported. To change, delete old ones and tap 'Restore Default Routines' in Settings.
What is the minimum iOS version supported?
iOS 17.0

Breathwork Info

What is breathwork?
Breathwork involves various breathing techniques designed to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Typically practiced in an upright seated position, sessions include controlled inhales, exhales, and breath holds of different lengths.
How often should I practice breathwork?
For best results, a regular daily practice is recommended, but even a few times a week can be beneficial.
What is the best time of day to practice breathwork?
Anytime that suits your schedule is good, though many prefer to practice in the morning or before bed to start or end their day positively.
Is breathwork good for beginners?
Absolutely! Breathwork can be tailored to all levels and is a great practice for beginners to start improving their overall well-being.
Do I need special equipment for breathwork?
No special equipment is required for breathwork. It’s best practiced in a quiet, comfortable environment where you can sit or lie down without interruptions.
Can breathwork help with sleep?
Yes, breathwork can promote relaxation and decrease stress, making it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
What are the benefits of breathwork for physical health?
It can improve oxygen delivery, decrease blood pressure and lung capacity, enhance energy levels, and strengthen the immune system.
How does breathwork affect mental health?
It can help clear the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, alleviate symptoms of depression, and enhance overall emotional resilience.
What if I experience discomfort during breathwork?
Feeling slightly dizzy is common; if it becomes uncomfortable, return to normal breathing. For challenging retentions, take short, sharp breaths through the nose for relief.
Are there any risks associated with breathwork?
For most people, breathwork is safe. However, if you are unsure due to existing physical or mental health conditions, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider first.
Can children do breathwork?
Yes, breathwork is safe for children and can help them manage stress. However, avoid long breath retentions for younger kids. Stick to short, gentle exercises and always supervise their practice.
Can I exhale through my nose instead of my mouth during breathwork?
Yes, although some routines may specify exhaling through the mouth, you can exhale through your nose if it feels more comfortable. Inhaling through the nose is generally preferable as it helps prevent overstimulation of the nervous system.
What should I know about breath retentions during breathwork?
Breath retentions can feel uncomfortable at first but are beneficial for your practice. They induce hypoxia (reduced oxygen), stimulating physiological responses like increased resilience and mental clarity. If retentions are challenging, take short, sharp inhales through the nose and exhale immediately to stay in hypoxia. Focus on the point between the eyebrows to deepen the meditative state. Start with shorter retentions and gradually increase as you get comfortable. Always listen to your body and avoid pushing too hard, especially if you’re new to breath retentions.
What are bandhas and how should I use them during breathwork?
Bandhas are internal locks used in yoga to control energy flow. The three main bandhas are Mula Bandha (root lock), Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock), and Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock). Engage these locks during exhale retentions if familiar. Mula Bandha can be kept engaged throughout the practice for added stability. Avoid using bandhas during inhale retentions to prevent excessive pressure in the body.
Is it safe to practice breathwork alone at home?
Breathwork is generally safe, but it’s important to practice in a protected environment. Sit or lie down to avoid injury if you get dizzy or rarely pass out. Always listen to your body and increase holds gradually. Our default routines are beginner-friendly with max 90-second holds and carefully dosed breathing. If you feel too uncomfortable, stay calm and return to normal breathing. For challenging retentions, take short, sharp inhales through the nose and exhale immediately to stay in hypoxia.
What are 'crab hands' during breathwork and are they dangerous?
'Crab hands' or tetany causes tingling, numbness, or cramps in the hands during intense breathwork sessions. It’s not dangerous but uncomfortable, caused by changes in calcium and oxygen levels. Stay calm and return to normal breathing; sensations usually disappear on their own. In our standard routines, this shouldn't occur, as they are designed for beginners and advanced users with safe breath holds. However, with custom or shared routines, there might be a risk. Listen to your body and adjust the exercises accordingly.
How does breathwork compare to meditation?
Both practices aim to reduce stress and enhance mindfulness; however, breathwork involves active, controlled breathing patterns to influence physical and mental states, whereas meditation often focuses on achieving stillness and observing thoughts without interaction.
How long does it take to see benefits from breathwork?
Some benefits like reduced anxiety and improved mood can be felt almost immediately, while others, such as physical health benefits, might take longer to notice.